Thursday, October 1, 2009

Grand Opening of the Hello Store USA

I was going to do this post when the store opened, but I couldn't stay awake till 3 am, sorry I just couldn't. I made it to 2:30 but I was dog tired and I was out! But from what I heard the site was pretty slow because everyone went on when it opened. But I'm on now and surfing fine.

Now just looking at the site made me extremely happy, knowing I can order from there. As a H!P fan who has preordered/ordered things from CD Japan and Yesasia, even from Japan it self from Y!A Japan shipping can get very expensive. Yes there are places on ebay but those have gotten extremely expensive for the items itself. So you could guess my reaction when I saw regular photo sets for just $10. The one ebay seller charges from $25-$30 for a photo set. So there is a lot going for this site right here.

So being the fan I am I checked out the Morning Musume section first (Hello Mitsui!) I was a bit surprised on what they had, some things from last year. Overall a very healthy section of Morning Musume stuff. That being said most of it is sold out already (much to my dismay all the photo sets are sold out). But regardless there are some really awesome things on here to order. And being a big Mitsui fan I will go in for the kill for some Microfiber towels. There are a ton of 2L photos. I like them but I don't really have a holder for those. But I might stock up on Mitsui and Reina ones (Reika love FTW). But I am also really interested in Linlin things as well.

The most recent items are from Summer 2009 Hello! Champloo and for Musume it's Platinum 9 DISC. But there are things from as far back as Bomb Kyu and Sexy 8 Beat times (before Mitsui cut and dyed her hair). But there is only the pamphlet. But if you like that concert tour (I had some other views on it for Bomb kyu) but never the less the things they have a very good. I will not give a 100% just because I haven't gotten anything yet, flat rate shipping is only $5 in America for those of you wondering about shipping in America. But when I do you all will be the first to know.

The coming soon section looks VERY promising with a large collection of Nine Smile products on the list. I will try to order some things soon and I will let you all know! Oops, almost forgot the link to the site:

Happy shopping~!

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